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Worth reading

Cyber Security: A Pre-War Reality Check - Bert Hubert's writings · May 14

This is a lightly edited transcript of my presentation today at the ACCSS/NCSC/Surf seminar ‘Cyber Security and Society’. I want to thank the organizers for inviting me to their conference & giving me a great opportunity to talk about something I worry about a lot. Here are the original slide...

Shared by @ACCSS and 23 others.
Gerrit Berkouwer (@geebee) · May 14
🔁 @bert_hubert:

Vandaag hield ik een praatje op het NCSC / @SURF / @ACCSS symposium "Cyber Security & Society". Volgens Donald Tusk leven we in een nieuw vooroorlogs tijdperk, en ik vrees dat dat klopt. En ik vrees ook dat we voor dat tijdperk onvoldoende controle hebben over de belangrijke ICT systemen waar onze samenleving totaal afhankelijk van is. Hier de spreektekst & slides:

Mattis van 't Schip (@mattis) · May 15
🔁 @bert_hubert:

Yesterday I presented at the NL-NCSC / @SURF / @ACCSS symposium "Cyber Security & Society". According to Donald Tusk we are entering a new pre-war era, and I fear that he is right. I also fear that we do not have anything near a "war-time resilient" level of control over the IT infrastructures that our societies depend on utterly. We are sitting ducks & it is getting worse. Transcribed presentation, with slides, is here:

skry (@skry) · May 15
🔁 @jpmens:

"Does your stuff need computers working 5,000 kilometers away? Does your stuff need people working on your product 5,000 kilometers away that you might no longer be able to reach?"

"So if your ship is on fire, and you need to call to the deck and say, “Hey, the ship is on fire,” this thing will actually work, unlike your voice-over-IP setup"

so good! By @bert_hubert

Simeon Nedkov (@simeon) · May 15
🔁 @bert_hubert:

Yesterday I presented at the NL-NCSC / @SURF / @ACCSS symposium "Cyber Security & Society". According to Donald Tusk we are entering a new pre-war era, and I fear that he is right. I also fear that we do not have anything near a "war-time resilient" level of control over the IT infrastructures that our societies depend on utterly. We are sitting ducks & it is getting worse. Transcribed presentation, with slides, is here:

avlap (@avlap2) · May 15
🔁 @jpmens:

"Does your stuff need computers working 5,000 kilometers away? Does your stuff need people working on your product 5,000 kilometers away that you might no longer be able to reach?"

"So if your ship is on fire, and you need to call to the deck and say, “Hey, the ship is on fire,” this thing will actually work, unlike your voice-over-IP setup"

so good! By @bert_hubert

Worth reading

the fake union organizer, the lemon zest, and other Machiavellian triumphs at work · May 15

Last week, I asked about Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work. There were so many amazing stories shared that I couldn’t fit my favorites in

Shared by @mgiraldo and 34 others.
Kelly's Shenanigans (@Kellyshenanigans) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Nicole Parsons (@Npars01) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Jo :v_enby: :blobhaj_default:​ :neocat: :neobun: (@ShadowJonathan) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Ionica Smeets (@ionica) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

mgiraldo (@mgiraldo) · May 16
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

🎇 Welcome Back 🎇 (@Scotter) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Adam F. Lawton (@Adam_Cadmon1) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Aulia Masna (@aulia) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Trendy Toots (@trendytoots) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

just adrienne (@adrienne) · May 15
🔁 @nazgul:

Here’s the story of someone who accidentally started a union.

Pulled this off of FB, original source at

In answer to the question, “Machiavellian things you’ve seen or done at work?”

Cc @jwehrle

Worth reading

Craftsmanship & Consideration - David Smith, Independent iOS Developer · May 15

WWDC is one month away and while I was out on a walk this morning I got to thinking about how I was feeling about it.

Shared by @topstories and 5 others.
Casey Liss (@caseyliss) · May 15
🔁 @_Davidsmith:

While thinking about my feelings towards this year's WWDC I was struck by how grateful I am to be a part of this community. A community which spurs me on towards doing better and better work.

I tried to capture this feel in writing, to see if I could summarize what I think makes the indie app community so special. After a lot of thought I think it came down to two ideals I regularly see valued here: Craftsmanship and Consideration.

John Siracusa (@siracusa) · May 15
🔁 @_Davidsmith:

While thinking about my feelings towards this year's WWDC I was struck by how grateful I am to be a part of this community. A community which spurs me on towards doing better and better work.

I tried to capture this feel in writing, to see if I could summarize what I think makes the indie app community so special. After a lot of thought I think it came down to two ideals I regularly see valued here: Craftsmanship and Consideration.

Stephen Hackett :moof: (@ismh) · May 15
🔁 @_Davidsmith:

While thinking about my feelings towards this year's WWDC I was struck by how grateful I am to be a part of this community. A community which spurs me on towards doing better and better work.

I tried to capture this feel in writing, to see if I could summarize what I think makes the indie app community so special. After a lot of thought I think it came down to two ideals I regularly see valued here: Craftsmanship and Consideration.

Michael Steeber (@michaelsteeber) · May 16
🔁 @_Davidsmith:

While thinking about my feelings towards this year's WWDC I was struck by how grateful I am to be a part of this community. A community which spurs me on towards doing better and better work.

I tried to capture this feel in writing, to see if I could summarize what I think makes the indie app community so special. After a lot of thought I think it came down to two ideals I regularly see valued here: Craftsmanship and Consideration.

For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point · May 14

We mock Musk, Altman and Zuck for using bleak sci-fi references to market products — but these 'useful dystopias' might just be the point

Shared by @laurenshof and 11 others.
Kevin Karhan :verified: (@kkarhan) · May 15
🔁 @tante:

"By attaching the new product to a popular speculation, especially one with built-in dramatic tension, the founders can elevate a buggy, unproven, or partially conceived technology into the cultural firmament, even if only briefly. It’s a cheat code, a way of getting us to relate to a future that’s already been culturally prototyped, and it can be quite successful."

(Original title: For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point)

Miguel Afonso Caetano (@remixtures) · May 15

#BigTech #SiliconValley #Dystopias: "By attaching the new product to a popular speculation, especially one with built-in dramatic tension, the founders can elevate a buggy, unproven, or partially conceived technology into the cultural firmament, even if only briefly. It’s a cheat code, a way of getting us to relate to a future that’s already been culturally prototyped, and it can be quite successful. To wit: The day after admonishing tech companies for using Her as a benchmark for their products, Roose dedicated his column to explaining how AI’s ‘Her’ Era Has Arrived — thus further entrenching the link between OpenAI’s aspirational technology and its attendant useful dystopia in the public consciousness. Hell, my own story about the grim origins of the metaverse probably made Facebook’s deeply lame Horizons VR product seem orders of magnitude cooler than it turned out to be.

Even if consumers aren’t aware of all of the dystopian reference points these founders and companies are pushing, they probably should be aware of the narcissistic, us-against-the-collapsing-world mentality that is active behind them. And we shouldn’t merely mock the tech set for using dystopias as marketing materials — we should try to stop them from creating them, too."

Laurens Hof (@laurenshof) · May 16
🔁 @alshafei:

"As much as we needle, or mock, or point out that the tech titans are stripping their references and products of context — it’s all in vain. The CEOs obviously don’t much care what some flyby cultural critics think of their branding aspirations, but beyond even that, we have to bear in mind that these dystopias are actively useful to them."

Joachim (@joachim) · May 16
🔁 @tante:

"By attaching the new product to a popular speculation, especially one with built-in dramatic tension, the founders can elevate a buggy, unproven, or partially conceived technology into the cultural firmament, even if only briefly. It’s a cheat code, a way of getting us to relate to a future that’s already been culturally prototyped, and it can be quite successful."

(Original title: For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point)

Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 (@dgoldsmith) · May 15
🔁 @brianmerchant:

For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point

Why Altman, Musk, and Zuckerberg turn bleak sci-fi works into useful dystopias for marketing their products:

Zach Klipp (he/him)🌻 🇵🇸 (@zachklipp) · May 15
🔁 @tante:

"By attaching the new product to a popular speculation, especially one with built-in dramatic tension, the founders can elevate a buggy, unproven, or partially conceived technology into the cultural firmament, even if only briefly. It’s a cheat code, a way of getting us to relate to a future that’s already been culturally prototyped, and it can be quite successful."

(Original title: For tech CEOs, the dystopia is the point)

Worth reading

How To PyCon · May 15

Since I am headed to PyCon tomorrow, let’s talk about conference tips.

Shared by @treyhunner and 10 others.
Trey Hunner 🐍 (@treyhunner) · May 16

Some tips from @glyph

• Attend open spaces
• Host an open space
• Drink lots of water and be mindful of your body

And a big one for long-time conference attendees especially: deliberately plan some of your meals toward meeting NEW people instead of always hanging out with old friends.

A tip from @hynek and @glyph:

Attend talks and occasionally attend the "hallway track" as a means to have a shared experience with folks who you just watched a talk with.


No Thanks · May 15

Last week, Apple got into trouble because of an ad. It taught us a lot beyond the good and evil of advertising and public relations.

Shared by @reichenstein and 4 others.
Oliver Reichenstein (@reichenstein) · May 16

Lots of warm feedback for the last article:

One or two were irritated that we are not defending Apple. I'm fully aware that being critical against Apple when so many of our customers love the fruit almost unconditionally is not a classic typical marketing move. (Don't upset your audience).

When weighing what is more important, a) selling apps or b) saying what needs to be said, I think b) is more... on brand for a text editor that is designed to write well.

Rado (@notimefortv) · May 15
🔁 @ia:

The outrage against Apple last week came from different places. There was the Social Media rage, the nostalgia, and the usual tech skepticism. But there was also a simple “no thanks.” We can just say “no thanks” to technology if it doesn’t make sense. New is not inevitable. New doesn’t mean need.

Keenan (@keenan) · May 15
🔁 @ia:

The outrage against Apple last week came from different places. There was the Social Media rage, the nostalgia, and the usual tech skepticism. But there was also a simple “no thanks.” We can just say “no thanks” to technology if it doesn’t make sense. New is not inevitable. New doesn’t mean need.

Worth reading

How a handful of independent publishers are doing their thing · May 15

I really like paying good writers so I thought I’d recommend a handful of publications I’m paying for and look at how they do things.

Shared by @pablolarah and 5 others.
Michelle Barker (@michelle) · May 15
🔁 @belldotbz:

📝 New on Piccalilli: How a handful of independent publishers are doing their thing

I really like paying good writers so I thought I’d recommend a handful of publications I’m paying for and look at how they do things.

Sara Joy :happy_pepper: (@sarajw) · May 15
🔁 @belldotbz:

📝 New on Piccalilli: How a handful of independent publishers are doing their thing

I really like paying good writers so I thought I’d recommend a handful of publications I’m paying for and look at how they do things.

We Are the Curators of the Web - I am BARRY HESS · May 16

In the early 2000s we netizens used to find things by hypertext. Sure, you’d go to web directories like Yahoo! to look for a starting point, usually based on a...

Shared by @onepict and 7 others.
EchoFeed Amplify (@echofeedamplify) · May 16
🔁 @humdrum:

🌐 We Are the Curators of the Web — Barry Hess (

> _We _are the human beings that are meant to curate the web. We should continue to spread the word about how we use the web, which is very personally and as active participants. We should make clear our desire for technologies that are accessible for non-technical people to be able to join us in controlling their own web presence. We build our websites and share

Esther Payne 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (@onepict) · May 16
🔁 @robb:

⭐ We Are the Curators of the Web by @bjhess

"In my opinion we must look within for the solution. We are the human beings that are meant to curate the web."

I don't have anything right now but I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple of months.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper: (@sarajw) · May 16
🔁 @robb:

⭐ We Are the Curators of the Web by @bjhess

"In my opinion we must look within for the solution. We are the human beings that are meant to curate the web."

I don't have anything right now but I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple of months.


Robb Knight (@robb) · May 16

⭐ We Are the Curators of the Web by @bjhess

"In my opinion we must look within for the solution. We are the human beings that are meant to curate the web."

I don't have anything right now but I've been thinking about this a lot the past couple of months.


Worth reading

Switching to Linux as a Game Developer · May 15

I recently found that modern Linux distros are actually up to speed for almost all game development tasks and also gaming! Some notes on my experience transitioning.

Shared by @timClicks and 6 others.
Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh: (@cassidy) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

Tim Clicks (@timClicks) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

pettter (@pettter) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

Jan :rust: :ferris: (@janriemer) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

Adrian Cochrane (@alcinnz) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

Mauro ( Admin) (@mauro) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

hannah (@h_thoreson) · May 15
🔁 @brody:

I'm not a "Linux Guy" really but I started re-evaluating it lately, and I think it might not just be for the Tech Weirdos anymore. It can absolutely be a daily driver for a lot of game developers now!

#GameDev #IndieDev #Linux #PopOs #LinuxMint #UnrealEngine #Unity

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