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Shared by @topstories and 10 others.

‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman · Sep 13

Saul Newman’s research suggests that we’re completely mistaken about how long humans live for.

Shared by @dcreemer and 21 others.
D. Creemer (@dcreemer) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Valerie Aurora (@vaurora) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Glenn Fleishman (@glennf) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Henryk Plötz (@henryk) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Pär Björklund (@Paxxi) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Becca Royal-Gordon :transbian: (@beccadax) · Sep 15
🔁 @engagedpractx:

Ig Nobel prize awarded to a researcher whose work shows data on longevity is 'rotten from the inside out.'

The so-called Mediterranean diet may be pension fraud.

Founder Mode, hackers, and being bored by tech · Sep 14

I could — and probably should — write an entire essay about the cult of the founder in Silicon Valley, how it developed and the damage it has done. This article from Dave Karpf, though,…

Shared by @dotjayne and 30 others.
Dan FitzGerald (@d_j_fitzgerald) · Sep 15
🔁 @andrewg:

“Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right.”

hypebot (@hypebot) · Sep 14
🔁 @sanityinc:

"Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right." 👏

Chris Ford :tw: (@cford) · Sep 14
🔁 @sanityinc:

"Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right." 👏

Marcus Olsson (@marcusolsson) · Sep 14
🔁 @sanityinc:

"Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right." 👏

eh (@eh) · Sep 14
🔁 @sanityinc:

"Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right." 👏

jbz (@jbz) · Sep 14
🔁 @andrewg:

“Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right.”

systemd-jaded (@leftpaddotpy) · Sep 14
🔁 @andrewg:

“Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right.”

Liminal witch 🧙‍♀️ Sarah (@xgebi) · Sep 14
🔁 @sanityinc:

"Tech has become all Jobs and no Woz. As Dave Karpf rightly identifies, the hacker has vanished from the scene, to be replaced by an endless array of know-nothing hero founders whose main superpower is the ability to bully subordinates (and half of Twitter) into believing they are always right." 👏

Shared by @anna_lillith and 13 others.
Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode: (@publicvoit) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Preston Maness ☭ (@aspensmonster) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Jason Lefkowitz (@jalefkowit) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Megan Lynch (she/her) (@meganL) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

MiniMia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇵🇸 (@fkamiah17) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Brad Wilson (@bradwilson) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

mau 🏳️‍🌈#EndFossilFuels (@mzedp) · Sep 13
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Jakob Thoböll - R.I.P. Natenom (@jakob_thoboell) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Alien Anomaly (@AlienAnomaly) · Sep 14
🔁 @jalefkowit:

I was a kid in Dayton, Ohio when Mike Peters was the editorial cartoonist for the local paper, the Dayton Daily News. My mother also worked at the DDN then, and said nice things about him.

In the last days when a sharp editorial cartoonist could be a national voice, Peters was one. And his politics aligned with mine, which I appreciated. (Though it generated no end of angry letters to the editor from people wishing they would shut him up. They never did.)

This cartoon of his from 1978 has been making the rounds, which I hope leads some people to go back and rediscover his work. It will reward the effort.

Shared by @ewolff and 13 others.
just adrienne (@adrienne) · Sep 15
🔁 @sjar:

Earthquake scientists detected an unusual signal on monitoring stations used to detect seismic activity during September 2023. We saw it on sensors everywhere, from the Arctic to Antarctica.

We were baffled—the signal was unlike any previously recorded. Instead of the frequency-rich rumble typical of earthquakes, this was a monotonous hum, containing only a single vibration frequency. Even more puzzling was that the signal kept going for nine days. #climatechange

Morpheus Being (@MorpheusB) · Sep 14
🔁 @sjar:

Earthquake scientists detected an unusual signal on monitoring stations used to detect seismic activity during September 2023. We saw it on sensors everywhere, from the Arctic to Antarctica.

We were baffled—the signal was unlike any previously recorded. Instead of the frequency-rich rumble typical of earthquakes, this was a monotonous hum, containing only a single vibration frequency. Even more puzzling was that the signal kept going for nine days. #climatechange

Tony 💉x7 (@kongakong) · Sep 14
🔁 @sjar:

Earthquake scientists detected an unusual signal on monitoring stations used to detect seismic activity during September 2023. We saw it on sensors everywhere, from the Arctic to Antarctica.

We were baffled—the signal was unlike any previously recorded. Instead of the frequency-rich rumble typical of earthquakes, this was a monotonous hum, containing only a single vibration frequency. Even more puzzling was that the signal kept going for nine days. #climatechange

Mother Bones (@_L1vY_) · Sep 15
🔁 @sjar:

Earthquake scientists detected an unusual signal on monitoring stations used to detect seismic activity during September 2023. We saw it on sensors everywhere, from the Arctic to Antarctica.

We were baffled—the signal was unlike any previously recorded. Instead of the frequency-rich rumble typical of earthquakes, this was a monotonous hum, containing only a single vibration frequency. Even more puzzling was that the signal kept going for nine days. #climatechange

Worth reading

ActivityPub · Sep 14

Chapter 1. Welcome to the Fediverse I’m so glad that I get to be the person to welcome you to the social web. I’d like to use this opportunity to … - Selection from ActivityPub [Book]

What Abandoned Schools Can Teach Us · Sep 14

Empty chairs, empty tables, and the dismantling of the American Dream.

Shared by @0xabad1dea and 9 others.
Carolyn (@CStamp) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Dr. Nancy Wayne ✅ (@nancylwayne) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

kcarruthers (@kcarruthers) · Sep 15
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Blake C. Stacey (@bstacey) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Abandoned America (@AbandonedAmerica) · Sep 15
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

LAUREN (@noondlyt) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Judy Olo 🌊Cats for HARRIS🌊 (@JudyOlo) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

J. Martin (@gyokusai) · Sep 14
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

abadidea (@0xabad1dea) · Sep 15
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Annemarie Bridy 🥥🌴 (@AnnemarieBridy) · Sep 15
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

My most recent Decay Theory column for Atlas Obscura is up - this one examines the tragic abandonment of America's public school system

Worth reading

The Unsung Woman Artist Behind Your Tarot Cards · Sep 14

In 1909, Pamela Colman Smith collaborated with A. E. Waite on the most popular tarot deck of the 20th century.

Shared by @almondtree and 8 others.

Linux and open-source documentation is a mess: Here's the solution · Sep 13

Simply telling someone to RTFM is not an answer when the manual is outdated, unreadable, or nonexistent. We need to improve the quality of our documentation, and the way to do that is simple.

Shared by @kdkorte and 5 others.
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