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Worth reading

I’m Entering My Curmudgeon Era · Mar 05

My current project: I've been dusting off the old hard drives with my ripped CD collection and loading them into an iPod. A 20-year-old piece of tech with its click wheel intact, no WiFi, and no algorithm feeding me recommendations I didn't ask for. The result: I've started listening to

Shared by @Andrewmaier and 56 others.
I am Jack's Lost 404 (@float13) · Mar 06
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

Shades (@shades) · Mar 06
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

David B. Himself (@DavidBHimself) · Mar 06
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

JA Westenberg (@Daojoan) · Mar 05
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

Lykso (@lykso) · Mar 07
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

Boris (@kviksilver) · Mar 05
🔁 @Daojoan:

This is my Curmudgeon Era.

Not in the nostalgic, “things were better in my day" way.

More in the "I refuse to be gaslit by modernity" way. I refuse to pretend that constant connectivity has made us happier. I refuse to buy into the idea that infinite scrolling is anything but digital debt—time spent, nothing gained.

Geoffrey Giebelhaus (@geoff_eg) · Mar 06
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

Karsten Schmidt (@toxi) · Mar 06
🔁 @heymarkreeves:

👏🏻 “I want friction. I want intentionality. I want to listen to an album because I chose it, not because it was shuffled into my ears by a recommendation engine. I want to write, read, and think in places that don't depend on ad revenue or growth hacking. I want to use tools that exist to serve me, not extract from me.”

GhostOnTheHalfShell (@GhostOnTheHalfShell) · Mar 06
🔁 @Daojoan:

This is my Curmudgeon Era.

Not in the nostalgic, “things were better in my day" way.

More in the "I refuse to be gaslit by modernity" way. I refuse to pretend that constant connectivity has made us happier. I refuse to buy into the idea that infinite scrolling is anything but digital debt—time spent, nothing gained.

NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America - emptywheel · Mar 06

What We are Quietly Losing in All the Tumult Last week the ghouls of DOGE came to gut NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) by firing all the probationary employees, because they were the easiest to fire. It was terrible, but it won’t be their last visit. I wanted to take a mom...

Shared by @kkarhan and 28 others.
Samhain Night (@samhainnight) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

SpaceLifeForm (@SpaceLifeForm) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Alice Marshall (@AliceMarshall) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Wokebloke for Democracy (@dougiec3) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Gene Cowan (@genecowan) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Deb Chachra (@debcha) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Simon St.Laurent (@simonstl) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

Brad Rosenheim (@Brad_Rosenheim) · Mar 06
🔁 @quinn:

I've written about NOAA, one of the most important agencies hardly anyone knows much about. They're out here doing God's work, and DOGE is out to kill them. A lot of us might go with them if we can't stop these ghouls.

ABC Shuts Down FiveThirtyEight, and Pulls the Plug on Its Website · Mar 06

From the perspective of a company the size of Disney, it would cost veritable pennies to keep FiveThirtyEight’s website around forever. What a disgrace.

Shared by and 11 others.
Manton Reece (@manton) · Mar 06

Linkrot is always a problem for the web, but please let’s not purposefully destroy our own content when it’s easy to keep it going. John Gruber on 538 shutting everything down:

"Why not keep the FiveThirtyEight site up and running — at least for a while, if not in perpetuity? It costs practically nothing to run a website serving a static/archived website. I don’t get it. It betrays a profound level of disrespect for the work that the site hosted."

Justin Ferrell (@developerjustin) · Mar 06

Gotta agree with @gruber here. Setting aside the closure itself, our society continues to show that we are not good stewards of the content we create and the audiences we amass.

Never assume anything digital will be there when you come back to it.

Flipboard (@Flipboard) · Mar 06
🔁 @harrymccracken:

It’s always horrifying when a company shuttering a media site deletes it from the web. That’s why I’ve created archives of my Technologizer site as well as stuff I wrote for TIME and PC World and even (you never know) my Twitter feed.

A Degrowth Economy Explained | Explore degrowth · Mar 06

This page is dedicated to illustrating a transformative vision for the future: a degrowth economy. Here, we invite you to explore an alternative …

Shared by @jblue and 14 others.
Nicole Parsons (@Npars01) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Crow (@crow) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Yours Truly! Unruly (@soc_i_ety) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

🟢 Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
🟢 Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
🟢 Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
🟢 Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
🟢 Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
🟢 Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

J blue (@jblue) · Mar 07
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Max Xaine (@maxxaine) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Gerry McGovern (@gerrymcgovern) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Vera (@Veronicavd) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

🟢 Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
🟢 Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
🟢 Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
🟢 Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
🟢 Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
🟢 Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

GhostOnTheHalfShell (@GhostOnTheHalfShell) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Scratchy (@Itchy) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

hypebot (@hypebot) · Mar 06
🔁 @breadandcircuses:

Let's talk about #Degrowth...

Imagine an economy designed to serve the planet and ALL its inhabitants, not just the most powerful. What might that look like?

Countries that have overshot ecological limits would scale back their non-essential production and consumption to lessen environmental impacts and to decarbonise more rapidly by:

❇️ Reducing reliance on cheap fossil energy
❇️ Reducing the use of material-intensive luxuries like SUVs, private jets, and oversized homes
❇️ Stopping unsustainable practices such as the industrial production of meat and the culture of fast fashion
❇️ Curbing the wealth excesses of the very rich
❇️ Promoting public transportation over private vehicle use
❇️ Fostering a culture of durability and reparability in consumer goods

Simultaneously, the focus would shift toward enhancing social progress and human well-being by:

🔷 Guaranteeing universal access to high-quality essential public services like healthcare, education, childcare, and transportation
🔷 Ensuring affordable housing and living wages for all
🔷 Implementing a public job guarantee; a nationally-funded program where the municipal government provides jobs to those willing and able to work

Embracing these changes does *not* mean rejecting technology. A balanced approach where technological innovation and efficiency improvements are pursued as long as they are sustainable, safe, and equitable should be encouraged. The focus is on using resources efficiently, distributing them fairly, and scaling down non-essential production to help societies achieve self-sufficiency and justice.


#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice

Shared by @dcbikeguy and 9 others.
Tamar Yellin (@tamaryellin) · Mar 06
🔁 @thebrianpenny:

Great overview of why this latest law meant to protect the victims of nonconsensual intimate images is not a win considering the current administration

Miss Gayle (@MissGayle) · Mar 06
🔁 @eff:

A bill that sounds good but works as a weapon. The Take It Down Act won't make Big Tech work better—but will give Trump a lot of leverage over platforms.

Andrew (@dcbikeguy) · Mar 06
🔁 @eff:

A bill that sounds good but works as a weapon. The Take It Down Act won't make Big Tech work better—but will give Trump a lot of leverage over platforms.

Police State UK (@PoliceStateUK) · Mar 06
🔁 @eff:

A bill that sounds good but works as a weapon. The Take It Down Act won't make Big Tech work better—but will give Trump a lot of leverage over platforms.

Worth reading

Let's Talk About The American Dream · Mar 06

A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask us to confront

Shared by @Npars01 and 5 others.
aswack (@swacknificent) · Mar 06
🔁 @codinghorror:

Let's Talk About The American Dream. A co-presentation by Alexander Vindman and myself, Thursday, March 20 7pm at The Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC. Either streaming or live. 🐦‍🔥

Nicole Parsons (@Npars01) · Mar 06
🔁 @codinghorror:

Let's Talk About The American Dream. A co-presentation by Alexander Vindman and myself, Thursday, March 20 at The Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC. Either streaming or live. 🐦‍🔥

Rihards Olups (@richlv) · Mar 06
🔁 @codinghorror:

Let's Talk About The American Dream. A co-presentation by Alexander Vindman and myself, Thursday, March 20 at The Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC. Either streaming or live. 🐦‍🔥

Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) · Mar 06
🔁 @codinghorror:

Let's Talk About The American Dream. A co-presentation by Alexander Vindman and myself, Thursday, March 20 at The Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC. Either streaming or live. 🐦‍🔥

Jason Scott (@textfiles) · Mar 06
🔁 @codinghorror:

Let's Talk About The American Dream. A co-presentation by Alexander Vindman and myself, Thursday, March 20 7pm at The Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC. Either streaming or live. 🐦‍🔥

Shared by @MarvClowder and 25 others.
yuhasz01 (@yuhasz01) · Mar 06
🔁 @ZhiZhu:

America is Trapped in a Burning Tesla

"Imagine how a private #business would react if it hired a supposed #efficiency expert who quickly fired crucial employees while making grandiose claims about the money he’s saving, but kept releasing progress reports that were full of ludicrous errors...

But #Trump went out of his way to praise #Musk...

Sooner or later... important things are going to break."

#ElonMusk #Coup #Corruption #GOP #Politics #USPol #News #US #USA

Kailee ♾️ Voting Midterms God (@skykiss) · Mar 05
🔁 @NinaBernstein1:

Krugman: “Imagine how a private business would react if it hired a supposed efficiency expert who quickly fired crucial employees while making grandiose claims about the money he’s saving, but kept releasing progress reports that were full of ludicrous errors. You wouldn’t keep him on; you’d have security escort him out of the building and immediately change all the locks. But Trump went out of his way to praise Musk.”

Lisa Melton (@lisamelton) · Mar 05
🔁 @NinaBernstein1:

Krugman: “Imagine how a private business would react if it hired a supposed efficiency expert who quickly fired crucial employees while making grandiose claims about the money he’s saving, but kept releasing progress reports that were full of ludicrous errors. You wouldn’t keep him on; you’d have security escort him out of the building and immediately change all the locks. But Trump went out of his way to praise Musk.”

TheGentYYC (@TheGentYYC) · Mar 05
🔁 @NinaBernstein1:

Krugman: “Imagine how a private business would react if it hired a supposed efficiency expert who quickly fired crucial employees while making grandiose claims about the money he’s saving, but kept releasing progress reports that were full of ludicrous errors. You wouldn’t keep him on; you’d have security escort him out of the building and immediately change all the locks. But Trump went out of his way to praise Musk.”

Marv Clowder (@MarvClowder) · Mar 07
🔁 @ZhiZhu:

America is Trapped in a Burning Tesla

"Imagine how a private #business would react if it hired a supposed #efficiency expert who quickly fired crucial employees while making grandiose claims about the money he’s saving, but kept releasing progress reports that were full of ludicrous errors...

But #Trump went out of his way to praise #Musk...

Sooner or later... important things are going to break."

#ElonMusk #Coup #Corruption #GOP #Politics #USPol #News #US #USA

Will the future of software development run on vibes? · Mar 05

Accepting AI-written code without understanding how it works is growing in popularity.

Shared by @gklyne and 10 others.
Perma (@Prma) · Mar 06
🔁 @chrisg:

In fact, there are people that slap together code and their criterion for success is "it compiles".

(I'll have the #rust folks sit down, this isn't about you 😉 )

I don't want to be pessimistic, but I am happy that I got to experience software development when I did.

Graham K (@gklyne) · Mar 06
🔁 @jonathanhogg:

Reading this article in Ars about “vibe-coding" with AI

Part of me wonders whether I'm being some kind of stick-in-the-mud for resisting machine assistance, but then I also keep coming back to the idea of my artistic practice: not just the output of the code as art, but the writing of the code as art

fedistats (@fedistats) · Mar 06

New article for #ai: Will the future of software development run on vibes?: Accepting AI-written code without understanding how it works is growing in popularity.

Marsh Ray (@marshray) · Mar 06
🔁 @chrisg:

In fact, there are people that slap together code and their criterion for success is "it compiles".

(I'll have the #rust folks sit down, this isn't about you 😉 )

I don't want to be pessimistic, but I am happy that I got to experience software development when I did.

Worth reading

it’s time to boycott American social media – Justin Pot · Mar 05

The dumbest trade war in world history is underway and Canadians are responding to the idiocy by changing their spending habits. American liquors have been pulled from store shelves and Canadians are trying to replace American products with Canadian equivalents at the grocery store. This is a gre...

Shared by @dgoldsmith and 3 others.
Jeri Dansky (@jeridansky) · Mar 06

From @jhpot

The dumbest trade war in world history is underway and Canadians are responding to the idiocy by changing their spending habits. American liquors have been pulled from store shelves and Canadians are trying to replace American products with Canadian equivalents at the grocery store.

This is a great example of patriotic unity during a time of crisis. ... The boycotts in Canada will likely change consumer habits for decades to come, regardless of how long this stupidity lasts.

Speaking as a Canadian who lives in the U.S. and has been covering technology for almost two decades, I would like to make one more suggestion: consider also boycotting American social media companies.

#Canada #TradeWar

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