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The SS United States: Philadelphia's Abandoned Ocean Liner · Feb 20

Gaining access to photograph the SS United States in Philadelphia took years. It remains one of the most unique and significant abandoned sites I've visited. By Matthew Christopher of Abandoned America.

Shared by @corgidad and 93 others.
Maria Langer | 📝 🎬 ⚒️🛥️ (@mlanger) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Mycotropic (@mycotropic) · Feb 20
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

The SS United States, the fastest liner ever built and the largest built on US soil, was at long last towed from Philadelphia yesterday to be sunk as an artificial reef. To see what it looked like in its final years and learn its story, visit Abandoned America

John Faithfull 🌍🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🧡✊🏻✊🏿 (@FaithfullJohn) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Sensible Crone (@susiemagoo) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

The SS United States, the fastest liner ever built and the largest built on US soil, was at long last towed from Philadelphia yesterday to be sunk as an artificial reef. To see what it looked like in its final years and learn its story, visit Abandoned America

Official Kakistocracy Jester 🪓 (@OGjester) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Assaf 🌴 (@assaf) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Brian Marick (@marick) · Feb 20
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

The SS United States, the fastest liner ever built and the largest built on US soil, was at long last towed from Philadelphia yesterday to be sunk as an artificial reef. To see what it looked like in its final years and learn its story, visit Abandoned America

Aulia Masna (@aulia) · Feb 20
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Timo (@timo21) · Feb 20
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

The SS United States, the fastest liner ever built and the largest built on US soil, was at long last towed from Philadelphia yesterday to be sunk as an artificial reef. To see what it looked like in its final years and learn its story, visit Abandoned America

echopapa ☑️ (@echopapa) · Feb 21
🔁 @AbandonedAmerica:

World's largest on-the-nose metaphor the 990-ft long abandoned ocean liner SS United States is being towed to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean off the Florida coast after decades languishing at a port in Philadelphia.

RIP, old friend.

Worth reading

Science must step away from nationally managed infrastructure · Feb 20

Scientific data and independence are at risk. We need to work with community-driven services and university libraries to create new multi-country organizations that are resilient to political…

Shared by @GunnarBlohm and 52 others.
Andrew (@dcbikeguy) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

I wrote a thing for @thetransmitter. The attack on scientific infrastructure happening in the US shows that relying on any one country is not a good option for science. We need to start supporting and building international, decentralised infrastructure for science.


Yogi Jaeger (@yoginho) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

I wrote a thing for @thetransmitter. The attack on scientific infrastructure happening in the US shows that relying on any one country is not a good option for science. We need to start supporting and building international, decentralised infrastructure for science.


Kevin Severud :donor: (@severud) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

We scientists would love to be left alone to do our work, but powerful people won't give us that option. Science, as the pursuit of truth, however imperfect, is fundamentally challenging to power. If we want to keep the option to do the science we want, we have to work at making science resilient.

Yes it's uncomfortable for many to think about science as political. Yes, the thought of building and maintaining our own infrastructure for data, papers and code might be mind numbingly tedious and scarily outside our skill set, but nobody we can trust in the long term will do it for us.

We have to stop wishing that we could go back to how things were before because that way of doing things is what got us in this mess in the first place. Let's look to the future and build our own way of doing science.

Edited to add an article I wrote expanding on this:

#science #politics

Hans Zauner (@HansZauner) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

I wrote a thing for @thetransmitter. The attack on scientific infrastructure happening in the US shows that relying on any one country is not a good option for science. We need to start supporting and building international, decentralised infrastructure for science.


Jo Etzel (@JosetAEtzel) · Feb 21
🔁 @grimalkina:

"Any single point of failure makes science fragile. Instead, we need multiple organizations across as many countries as possible, collectively providing access to overlapping data and services, so that the loss of any one or several of these doesn’t stop us from doing science."

As it is for so much of human knowledge and wellbeing and progress.

Moritz Negwer (@moritz_negwer) · Feb 20
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

I wrote a thing for @thetransmitter. The attack on scientific infrastructure happening in the US shows that relying on any one country is not a good option for science. We need to start supporting and building international, decentralised infrastructure for science.


Ruth Malan (@RuthMalan) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

We scientists would love to be left alone to do our work, but powerful people won't give us that option. Science, as the pursuit of truth, however imperfect, is fundamentally challenging to power. If we want to keep the option to do the science we want, we have to work at making science resilient.

Yes it's uncomfortable for many to think about science as political. Yes, the thought of building and maintaining our own infrastructure for data, papers and code might be mind numbingly tedious and scarily outside our skill set, but nobody we can trust in the long term will do it for us.

We have to stop wishing that we could go back to how things were before because that way of doing things is what got us in this mess in the first place. Let's look to the future and build our own way of doing science.

Edited to add an article I wrote expanding on this:

#science #politics

Lisa Gets Politik (@lisagetspolitik) · Feb 21
🔁 @neuralreckoning:

I wrote a thing for @thetransmitter. The attack on scientific infrastructure happening in the US shows that relying on any one country is not a good option for science. We need to start supporting and building international, decentralised infrastructure for science.


hypebot (@hypebot) · Feb 21
🔁 @brembs:

YES! @neuralreckoning gets it perfectly right!

Now everybody get up and talk to your library director and/or library committee that this is what you want to happen!

I've even started to put together some lines for you to use:

Maybe you want to chime in and help make this a convincing odcument?

#neuroscience #science #opendata #openscience #infrastructure

Death by Lambda (@xdydx) · Feb 21
🔁 @brembs:

YES! @neuralreckoning gets it perfectly right!

Now everybody get up and talk to your library director and/or library committee that this is what you want to happen!

I've even started to put together some lines for you to use:

Maybe you want to chime in and help make this a convincing odcument?

#neuroscience #science #opendata #openscience #infrastructure

My Open Letter to Elon Musk · Feb 20

From Marc | Elon Musk recently posted on his site that another lawyer and I are “undermining civilization.” This is my response.

Shared by @OhMrBill and 82 others.
Waka/Joewaka (@JoeAce967) · Feb 21
🔁 @_L1vY_:

#Via Marc Elias
Feb 20, 2025, 7:56 AM

"Elon Musk recently posted on his site that another lawyer and I are 'undermining civilization.' He goes on to ask if we suffered childhood trauma and concludes by suggesting we are suffering from 'generational trauma.' This is my response:"

Sean Tilley (@deadsuperhero) · Feb 21
🔁 @_L1vY_:

#Via Marc Elias
Feb 20, 2025, 7:56 AM

"Elon Musk recently posted on his site that another lawyer and I are 'undermining civilization.' He goes on to ask if we suffered childhood trauma and concludes by suggesting we are suffering from 'generational trauma.' This is my response:"

Shared by @GramrgednAngel and 20 others.
Chris Wiegman (@chris) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

Joe Brockmeier (@jzb) (@jzb) · Feb 21
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

Chris Mackay 🇨🇦 (@tantramar) · Feb 21
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

Mark Hurst (@markhurst) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

Al Wirtes (@alwirtes) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

divdev (@divdev) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

almondtree (@almondtree) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

Molly Cantrell-Kraig (@mckra1g) · Feb 20
🔁 @WarnerCrocker:

Speak up now or forever watch the pieces fall

Illinois Governor Pritzker Gives the Speech We Should Be Hearing From All Politicians

I'm HelPInG!!11 · Feb 21

I am not an active user of so-called “AI-Assistants”, neither for coding nor writing nor research. I constantly test and evaluate those systems (for my private analyses as well as for my day job) but they don’t really integrate well with my workflow and thinking. There are many reasons for ...

Shared by @pedro and 15 others.
Baldur Bjarnason (@baldur) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

Ecologia Digital (@josemurilo) · Feb 21

"#Writing isn’t exactly #thinking. Writing is writing. But writing is a useful tool to help one’s thinking. Thinking towards writing something down can help me create structure in my thoughts. Can help me focus. It also forces me to actually get to some form of conclusion or result – as temporary as that result might be. And #assistants disturb that process. And unlike cats or kids they’re not even cute or loveable."

P.J. Meisch (@sothawo) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

John Faithfull 🌍🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🧡✊🏻✊🏿 (@FaithfullJohn) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

Coach Pāṇini ® (@paninid) · Feb 21
🔁 @josemurilo:

"#Writing isn’t exactly #thinking. Writing is writing. But writing is a useful tool to help one’s thinking. Thinking towards writing something down can help me create structure in my thoughts. Can help me focus. It also forces me to actually get to some form of conclusion or result – as temporary as that result might be. And #assistants disturb that process. And unlike cats or kids they’re not even cute or loveable."

The Dubster (@thedubster) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

James Tweedie (@MyricaGale) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

L. Rhodes ⁂ (@lrhodes) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

Peter N. M. Hansteen (@pitrh) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

Feli (@clarioncat) · Feb 21
🔁 @tante:

A few thoughts on why I don't use writing or coding assistants.

"[AI Assistants] create distance between me and my thinking and my writing, they alienate the visible output of my work from my work. They alienate me from my writing."

Worth reading

When Art Meets Activism: 7 Powerful Street Art Pieces Fighting for the Planet · Feb 21

Explore seven extraordinary street art pieces that merge creativity and activism, spotlighting pressing environmental issues like climate change and sustainability. These masterpieces demonstrate the power of public art to inspire action for our planet.

Shared by @metin and 16 others.

Sponsor @elementary on GitHub Sponsors · Feb 20

The thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS—plus AppCenter, the pay-what-you-can app store. Sponsor elementary on GitHub to fund the development of Open Source software a...

Shared by @aud and 11 others.
josh byrd :veri: (@josh) · Feb 21
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag: (@onepict) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Jess Mahler (@JessMahler) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 (@Lazarou) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

ernmander (@ernmander) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Asta [AMP] (@aud) · Feb 21
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

nosh :fosstodon: (ʘ‿ʘ) (@nosherwan) · Feb 21
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Joe Ressington (@JoeRess) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

Ohsin (@Ohsin) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

alcinnz (@alcinnz) · Feb 20
🔁 @danirabbit:

Landlord just raised my rent, so if you’d consider sponsoring @elementary I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼

We’re about to land the workspaces switcher in the dock and the new multitouch gestures backend is almost ready, so there’s cool stuff to test in early access. And don’t forget you get a monthly email from me, sometimes with stuff that doesn’t make it into the blog. And sponsors only chat on discord!

Helping me pay rent 🤝 getting perks

The End of the Postwar World · Feb 20

Trump and Vance are sending a dark message to America’s allies.

Shared by @GhostOnTheHalfShell and 19 others.
PhyN🐰Ster (@phyn) · Feb 20

«radically increase military spending, planning, and coordination #EuropeUnited [..] Europeans have contributed more resources to Ukraine’s military and economic #survival [..] despite Trump’s repeated, untruthful claims to the contrary [..] willing to distort reality [..] wasn’t interested in discussing their security [..] flipping the #narrative, turning arguments upside down in the manner of a Russian propagandist»
#NerdReich #NewSpeak

Teaching the Rad Web - · Feb 20

Earlier this month I spent an awesome afternoon in the back room of Virtua Gal, in the Lloyd Center Mall, teaching a great group of friends and strangers how to edit their own websites. This was an experiment to see if anyone was interested, how possible it would be to go from 0 to Website in an ...

Shared by @redcrew and 6 others.
Shannon Prickett (@Binder) · Feb 21
🔁 @artlung:

I find it impossible to argue with the sentiment “The internet is a dying mall. Let’s squat it.” from @nim of @octothorpes #TheRadWeb #SmallWeb #IndieWeb

Anthony Baker (@AnthonyBaker) · Feb 21
🔁 @artlung:

I find it impossible to argue with the sentiment “The internet is a dying mall. Let’s squat it.” from @nim of @octothorpes #TheRadWeb #SmallWeb #IndieWeb

jmac (@jmac) · Feb 20
🔁 @octothorpes:

@nim here with an account of teaching a room full of people to make art sites with basic HTML in the former back room of a Lady Footlocker in 2025. The radness was greatly enhanced by code and work of @glitchdotcom @stefan @spencerchang and @eleventy #indieweb #webart #ladyfootlocker #octothorpes

Stefan Bohacek (@stefan) · Feb 20
🔁 @octothorpes:

@nim here with an account of teaching a room full of people to make art sites with basic HTML in the former back room of a Lady Footlocker in 2025. The radness was greatly enhanced by code and work of @glitchdotcom @stefan @spencerchang and @eleventy #indieweb #webart #ladyfootlocker #octothorpes

Octothorpe Protocol (@octothorpes) · Feb 20

@nim here with an account of teaching a room full of people to make art sites with basic HTML in the former back room of a Lady Footlocker in 2025. The radness was greatly enhanced by code and work of @glitchdotcom @stefan @spencerchang and @eleventy #indieweb #webart #ladyfootlocker #octothorpes

Deborah Edwards-Oñoro (@redcrew) · Feb 21
🔁 @octothorpes:

@nim here with an account of teaching a room full of people to make art sites with basic HTML in the former back room of a Lady Footlocker in 2025. The radness was greatly enhanced by code and work of @glitchdotcom @stefan @spencerchang and @eleventy #indieweb #webart #ladyfootlocker #octothorpes

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