If you're not already a student of anarchism, then you probably have some very negative ideas about "anarchy" or anarchism. It is beyond the scope of this project to mount a comprehensive defense or explanation of anarchism, but we also don't want to leave you hanging without some guideposts towards further understanding.
Updated 21 Feburary 2025 to include this new article from Crimethinc framing the concept of anarchism in the context of what's happening in the U.S. right now under the Trump/Musk administration:
Become an Anarchist or Forever Hold Your Peace
Here are a couple popular introductions:
"Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!"
by David Graeber
"To Change Everything"
A site about TV tropes is an unexpected place to find it, but here is a pretty decent and thorough overview of anarchist theory and history. It describes different tendencies and schools of thought within anarchism. I might have some quibbles, and any given anarchist is likely to disagree with some parts, but overall it's both very well-informed and very informative:
Here are some pieces dealing with specific common concerns about anarchism:
@HeavenlyPossum on Anarchism and Leadership
Anarchists Are Not Naive About Human Nature
The Conspiracy of Law by Howard Zinn
Anarchism and Democracy
David Graeber on democracy:
There Never Was a West
Or, Democracy Emerges From the Spaces In Between
Here is a different take on democracy. This book is not really an introductory sort of text, more like internal anarchist discourse, but as such it offers revealing insights into actual anarchist ideas, practices and experiences. Featuring many fascinating examples and analysis from recent history, grounding it in real life struggle, not just theory.
"From Democracy To Freedom"
The Difference Between Government and Self-Determination
Free PDF: https://cdn.crimethinc.com/assets/books/from-democracy-to-freedom/from-democracy-to-freedom_screen_single_page_view.pdf
Here is a rich survey of anarchistic principles and practices in action in the real world, past and present: "Anarchy Works"
For further research here is a very good reading list ranging from basic introductions to specialized aspects and history of anarchism:
But wait, there's more! Continue exploring the following appendices...